Sedation / Stress Reduction

Sedation / Stress Reduction

Patients who are referred to our office can be a little nervous. This is completely normal, however, some patients are extremely anxious with respect to periodontal treatment.

Unfortunately, like heart disease, periodontal disease is silent and does not resolve on its own. Thus, periodontal disease must be treated and there are many ways to offer this treatment comfortably.

Many patients with dental anxiety wish to be sedated and choose intravenous sedation to totally relax them during their dental visit. Intravenous sedation is a technique that helps to significantly relax the patient and makes it feel like the dental appointment goes extremely quickly. It is recommended for anxious patients who prefer not to remember the procedure.

If you feel that you could benefit from sedative dentistry, please contact us or ask us about the different options we can offer you to better accommodate your needs.

Treatment Options


We offer nitrous oxide, better known as "laughing gas" so you can receive the treatments without anxiety/discomfort.


Oral sedation involves administration of sedative drugs via pill form to reduce patients anxiety.
