Cosmetic Periodontal Treatment

Cosmetic Periodontal Treatment

Cosmetic periodontal plastic surgical procedures help to create a beautiful framework for your teeth. The gum tissue which surrounds your natural teeth and restorations needs to be healthy and in the correct position and dimension to achieve a natural and esthetic smile. Your restorative dentist can then help you improve your smile by designing and enhancing your smile with perfect crowns or veneers if required. (copied, slightly modified)

Although your teeth may appear short, they may actually be the proper length. The teeth may be covered with too much gum tissue, or your underlying bone may be too close to the margin where your crown meets the root. This occurrence is simply known as Altered Passive Eruption. Dr. Shelby can correct this by performing esthetic crown lengthening. During this procedure, excess gum and bone tissue are reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to more than one tooth to even your gum line and to create a beautiful smile.

Crown Lengthening

